Apple Reference & Presen…rary 8 (Internal Edition)
Apple R&P Lib Internal v8.0.iso
Self-Paced Training
Macintosh Family Training
Macintosh Family Training⁄C
Macintosh Family Training_C
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Extensible Markup Language
117 lines
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE stack PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD stack V 2.0//EN" "" >
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<cantAbort><false /></cantAbort>
<script>--—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-- Script of Stack "Macintosh Family Color"-- Copyright © 1990 by Apple Computer, Inc.-- Main (large) stack for the October ’90 Training stacks--—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-- Produced by Tom Hudson in Apple Training Support-- Written, Modified, and Illustrated by Margaret Steimer-- Designed by Chuck Walker-- HyperCard construction by Chuck Walker---- Globals: mapLocFam, completeFam, footprintsFam, prefsStack,-- ATSUserName, whatSound-- Handlers: openStack, closeStack, suspendStack, closeBackground,-- openCard, fieldLink, makeAMark, checkCompletion,-- doStackHelp, noFunction, returnTo, showMenu,-- menuNavigation, showMarker, goMark, showPrinting,-- doPrinting, doStackGlossary-- doMenu, returnKey, arrowKey, enterKey-- (note: resources are installed in this stack)-- Fonts: AplGaram 16, 24, 48;-- B AplGaram Bold 16, 24;-- CL Futura CondensedLight 12, 14;-- CB Futura CondensedBold 12;--—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————on openStack-- place the window in the center of the screenget the screenRectput (item 3 of it / 2) - 320 into windLput (item 4 of it / 2) - 240 into windTset the rect of card window to windL,windT,windL + 640,windT + 480hide menuBarhide message windowhide tool windowhide pattern windowhide scroll windowhide groupsend openStack-- close any open paletteson closeStackif there is a window "mainMenu" then close window "mainMenu"if there is a window "markerMenu" then close window "markerMenu"if there is a window "printMenu" then close window "printMenu"end closeStack-- close any open paletteson suspendStackif there is a window "mainMenu" then close window "mainMenu"if there is a window "markerMenu" then close window "markerMenu"if there is a window "printMenu" then close window "printMenu"end suspendStack-- keep track of the most recent location for the stack mapon closeBackgroundglobal mapLocFam, footprintsFam, completeFamif the short name of this bg ≠ "Stack Map" thenput the short name of this bg into mapLocFamif completeFam = "done" then exit closeBackgroundif the short name of this bg is not in footprintsFam thenput mapLocFam into whatSectionput the number of this bg into sectionNumput the number of cards of this bg into howManyCardscheckCompletion whatSection,sectionNum,howManyCardsend ifend if-- don’t bother checking if all cards viewedrepeat with i=1 to the number of bgif i is not in footprintsFam then exit closeBackgroundend repeatput "done" into completeFamend closeBackground-- is this section complete?on checkCompletion whatSection,sectionNum,howManyCardsglobal completeFam, footprintsFamset cursor to busyput 0 into theCountput sectionNum & "•" into theSectionif theSection is in completeFam thenrepeat with x = 1 to the number of items in completeFamif theSection is in item x of completeFam then ¬put theCount + 1 into theCountend repeatif theCount > howManyCards - 4 thenput whatSection & "," after footprintsFamend ifend ifend checkCompletionon openCardglobal completeFamif there is a bg button "cardMark" thenif the short name of this card is in markedFam thenset the icon of bg button "cardMark" to "checkedBox"elseset the icon of bg button "cardMark" to "emptyBox"end ifend ifif completeFam ≠ "done" thenput the number of this bg & "•" & ¬the short name of this card into tempif temp is not in completeFam thenput the number of this bg & "•" & ¬the short name of this card & "," after completeFamend ifend ifput the number of this card into word 2 of field "cardNo"put the number of cards into word 4 of field "cardNo"end openCardon idleif there is a window "waitDLOG" then close window "waitDLOG"end idle--—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-- stack housekeeping scripts —————————————————————————————————————————on returnTopop card into lastPushif the short name of this stack is not in lastPush thenvisual iris close fastgo card "Stack Map"elsevisual iris close fastgo lastPushend ifend returnTo-- handler for grayed out buttonson noFunctionanswer "When a gray button has no icon, it means that option is not available."¬& return & return & "Click a button with an icon in it."¬with "Help" or "OK"if it is "Help" then doStackHelp grayend noFunction-- handler for text links-- if target not in field "subHead", look for it in Glossary stackon fieldLinkput empty into WhatToFindif the textStyle of the clickChunk is "bold,group" or¬the textStyle of the clickChunk is bold thenpush cardput the clickText into whatToFindif "*" is in whatToFind then doStackGlossary whatToFindelselock screenset lockmessages to TRUEfind string whatToFind in field "subHead"end ifunlock screen with visual iris open fastsend "openCard" to this cardend ifend fieldLink-- handler to mark/unmark cards in a locked stackon makeAMark checkglobal completeFam, markedFamif there is not a bg button "cardMark" then exit makeAMarkif check = "on" thenif the short name of this card is not in markedFam thenput the short name of this card & "," after markedFamset the icon of bg button "cardMark" to "checkedBox"end ifelse if check = "off" thenif the short name of this card is not in markedFam then exit makeAMarkset cursor to watchput markedFam into tempput empty into markedFamrepeat with x = 1 to the number of items in tempif the short name of this card is not in item x of temp thenput item x of temp & "," after markedFamend ifend repeatset the icon of bg button "cardMark" to "emptyBox"elseif the short name of this card is not in markedFam thenmakeAMark "on"elsemakeAMark "off"end ifend ifend makeAMark-- handler to play soundson playSound whatSNDset cursor to earplay whatSNDrepeat until the sound is doneif the mouse is down thenplay stopexit to hyperCardend ifend repeatend playSound--—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-- palette & help handlers ——————————————————————————————————————————-- open the help stack to the appropriate cardon doStackHelp whatCardset cursor to busyget the loc of card windowput item 1 of it + 432 into xLocput item 2 of it + 248 into yLoclock screenpush cardset cursor to busygo to stack "ATS Help" in a new windowif whatCard ≠ empty then go card whatCardset cursor to busyset the loc of the card window to xLoc,yLocunlock screen with visual wipe up fastend doStackHelp-- open the Glossary stack to the appropriate termon doStackGlossary whatToFinddelete char (offset("*",whatToFind)) of whatToFind -- dump asteriskset cursor to busyget the loc of card windowput item 1 of it + 212 into xLocput item 2 of it + 248 into yLoclock screenpush cardset cursor to busygo to stack "ATS Glossary" in a new windowset cursor to busyif whatToFind ≠ empty then find whatToFind in field "text1"set the loc of the card window to xLoc,yLocunlock screen with visual wipe up fastend doStackGlossary-- handler to show navigation paletteon showMenuif there is a window "mainMenu" thenclose window "mainMenu"elseif there is a window "markerMenu" then close window "markerMenu"if there is a window "printMenu" then close window "printMenu"palette "mainMenu","424,331"end ifend showMenu-- navigation handler for navigation paletteon menuNavigation whatCardpush cardplay stopvisual iris open fastgo card whatCardend menuNavigation-- handler to show marked cards paletteon showMarkerif there is a window "mainMenu" then close window "mainMenu"palette "markerMenu","432,352"end showMarker-- marked cards navigatoron goMark whichWayglobal markedFamif the number of items in markedFam = 0 thenanswer "There are currently no marked cards."exit goMarkend iflock screenset lockMessages to trueset lockRecent to trueset cursor to watchif whichWay = "next" thengo nextrepeat until the short name of this card is in markedFamif the short name of this card is in markedFam then exit repeatgo nextend repeatunlock screen with visual wipe left fastelse if whichWay = "prev" thengo prevrepeat until the short name of this card is in markedFamif the short name of this card is in markedFam then exit repeatgo prevend repeatunlock screen with visual wipe right fastend ifsend "openCard" to this cardend goMark-- handler to show printing paletteon showPrintingif there is a window "mainMenu" then close window "mainMenu"palette "printMenu","474,372"end showPrinting-- printing handleron doPrinting printWhatglobal markedFamif printWhat = "card" thendoMenu "Print Card"else if printWhat = "marks" thenif the number of items in markedFam = 0 thenanswer "There are currently no marked cards."exit doPrintingend ifopen printing with dialogrepeat with x = 1 to the number of items in markedFamgo card item x of markedFamprint cardend repeatclose printingelse if printWhat = "stack" thendoMenu "Print Stack..."end ifend doPrinting--—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-- intercept keyboard and menu handlers: ————————————————————————————-- redefine some menu commandson doMenu whatMenu--// Modified by Medior, Inc. 3/13/91global RPStackNameif whatMenu = "Help" thendoStackHelpelse if whatMenu = "Message" thenshowMenuelse if whatMenu is in "First Last Prev Next" thenanswer "Use the buttons at the bottom of the card or the arrow keys to navigate."-- else if whatMenu is in "Quit HyperCard Home Find... Print Report..." then-- exit to hyperCardelse if (","& whatMenu &",") is in ",Home,Quit HyperCard," and RPStackName is not "" thenset cursor to 4put RPStackName into sNrepeat until offset(":",sN) = 0delete char 1 to offset(":",sN) of sNend repeatdelete last char of sNanswer "This will return to "&sN&"." with "Cancel" or "OK"if it is "Cancel" then exit domenuset cursor to 4lock screengo RPStackNameunlock screen with dissolve fastexit domenuelse pass doMenuend doMenu-- same as clicking the arrow buttonson arrowKey whatKeyif whatKey = "Left" then click at 527,456if whatKey = "Right" then click at 567,456end arrowKey-- same as clicking the return buttonon returnKeyclick at 607,456end returnKey-- intercept enter keyon enterKeyend enterKey--—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-- end stack script —————————————————————————————————————————————————--—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————</script>
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